Thursday, September 28, 2006


Why is it that so many people you meet online say that they've gone through so much crap in their past? It makes me realize how good Satan is at doing his job. What are we doing to our children today? I realize that so much of society doesn't want children to be children...we want little adults, so we introduce some of the most vile crap to our kids and expect their little minds full of mush to be able to process it in the right way. I mean come on people, my 4 year old believes that Pokemon is real! We dress them up in outfits befitting a Hooters waitress and expect them to be able understand their sexuality in a proper way. And when our kids start having kids we feel no guilt.....and when our kids use language that befits a combat soldier, we feel no guilt.....and when our kids envy gangsta's and sing about sex and violence, feel no guilt..."